Dialysis Interventions


Patients with chronic kidney disease undergoing hemodialysis for treatment rely on various forms of vascular access so that they can receive their care. The vascular access required by CKD patients include catheters, arteriovenous dialysis grafts, and arteriovenous dialysis fistulas. Albany IR works in close collaboration with the Division of Nephrology and Hypertension at Albany Medical Center to place and maintain catheters and to preserve the functionality of grafts and fistulas used for dialysis.

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dialysis fistula & graft interventions

Patients receiving hemodialysis receive this treatment through surgically created dialysis grafts and fistulas. Over time, the function of these conduits may diminish, which can impact the effectiveness of dialysis. IR regularly performs procedures to preserve the patency and functionality of AV dialysis grafts and fistulas.

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dialysis catheter placement

Patients initially undergoing hemodialysis will often receive this treatment through a catheter placed into a vein in the body. These catheters can also be used as a bridge if an AV graft or fistula needs to be revised. IR is often called upon to provide this service on an acute basis and then continues their involvement to insure the proper function of these devices.

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renal biopsies

When patients present with kidney failure, they often need to undergo a kidney biopsy to help determine the cause for this change. IR performs these procedures using imaging (CT or ultrasound) to guide a needle directly into the kidney. Tissue can then be obtained which can be evaluated by pathology to help arrive at a diagnosis.